The Unfailing Light: Remedy For Alienation, Loneliness and Despair

The Unfailing Light: Remedy For Alienation, Loneliness and Despair

Amazon – eBook
Amazon – Audiobook

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Know that the Unfailing Light is ultimately a Some One. What if this Some One is God, The Light? What if The Light is also the Sustainer, Transformer and Providence who cares for you? What if The Light is the source of Life? What if The Light is also the End, the fulfillment of Life? What if this Unfailing Light is the remedy for Alienation, Loneliness, and Despair?

I have written the e-Book/Audio Book to help my readers answer the question how does The Unfailing Light: Remedy For Alienation, Loneliness, and Despair actually help you deal with Alienation, Loneliness and Despair?

Come along with me as we explore who the unfailing light is and how he helps you deal with these three curses in your life.